Friday, May 23, 2008

Day 8 - a whole lotta nuttin

I almost forgot all about posting tonight. It was a really boring day here. Steve finished up some more sheetrock and re-did the door casing at the bottom of the stairs. It had a door and I've decided I don't want to put it back up. Dh also got the soffit painted and the first coat on some of the cabinets. It is going to look completely different in there. The SS appliances really pop with the blue paint and white cabinets......

Dh went and picked up the new fridge this morning and surprise, surprise, it came with a matching stove and over-the-range microwave. (this is what happens when I let dh go to Lowe's alone......)Too bad it didn't come with the dishwasher








Crap - I need to edit out the price tag on the fridge before I share the pictures with my And, no, he didn't pay that much for the fridge...close but not quite...we've been eyeballing it for 8 months and thankfully it was 'last years' model....we couldn't pass it up. I love it!

Ooh - and the stove didn't fit in the hole - we had to cut the counter back. This is what happens when you don't realize that you've left your good camera sitting on the counter....I had put plastic over the pile of stuff on the counter but my camera still took a hit....Dh was NOT happy with me at all - thankfully he has the air compressor and he was able to blow it all off....I thought he was going to kill me - if looks could kill.......haha
