Friday, April 25, 2008

Snowballs in April & May

So - don't those little projects always snowball? What started out as a little one week project has now evolved into at least a 3-week gig......most likely more! I don't care what happens - just get my scrapbook room done If I have to do it all myself, I will!

The original plan was to rip out the paneling, remove the inevitable plaster below it then re-insulate & re-wire and drywall as well as replace the flooring. Then, we planned on building a wall to section off my scrapbook room. Well - since we've been planning this for a couple of months, the dining room wall was the next victim. Yup, that's out of there.......thus making the play room and dining room one room - and more spacious........

Well, Jason said something about getting a 'real' pool for $3K and my Mom was like......geesh, there's nothing wrong with the Sam's Club pool. It'll last us a few more years and if not, $300 is a lot cheaper than $3k - you could use that $3K for a dining room this year (we had planned on doing it eventually). I mentioned it to Jason and well - apparently that sounded like a good idea because suddenly, the contractor is here, the foundation guy comes and things are snowballing. Is it sad that the foundation is going to cost nearly as much as the completed addition? Of course, we don't know exactly how much the foundation is going to cost since we're not sure how much dirt there is before we hit rock. We shoved a pipe down in two different spots. One hit rock at 27", the other hit it at 35"..........So it looks like we're not going to be able to go down the full 4' like is common but that's good - because that means it'll cost less because there will be less materials used and they can just clip the foundation footers to the natural rock below. This little diddy could cost anywhere from $2k - $4k. ;o( Hell - the materials alone for the addition (besides the foundation) are only $3k.

So - this is what things look like...........

The brown deck on the left is outta here. It's where the dining room addition will be going.

The French doors will be removed and moved to the front of the addition. That hole will be the opening between the kitchen and dining room. The small window is coming out and will become a pass-through for dishes since the sink is right there. The driveway side will have 3-3'x4' windows to overlook the backyard and let lots of light in. All of the red siding will be coming off and that'll end up sheetrocked. Also, the basement door will be moved from inside the current dining room to the right of the current French doors. It'll give us one solid wall in the kitchen in case we ever decide to put more cabinets in.



The front door of our home leads directly into my scrap room/kids play room. It's supposed to be the living room but since there is a large family room addition on the back of the house, we use that for our living room.

Now we just need to pick an outside option for the addition. We both hate the blue of the house so that's NOT an option. I like the look of stone but it's so expensive! I thought about trying to cover the front wall of the addition (the one with the French doors) with stone.......just waiting on a price for that..........Then maybe next year, we could rip the fugly red stuff off the front of the house and replace that with stone too. ;o) Just not this year - between the addition and our Mediterranean vacation - we're going to be broke!